My Favorite Type of Writing…
My favorite type of writing subverts my expectations. It takes a twist that's completely unexpected, yet so TRUE.
Here's an example that shows what I mean:
Leave Me from Ryan Dunlap on Vimeo.
You can follow this very talented writer on…
May is International Chick Lit Month
I discovered this on the Kindle Boards and did a little research in Google. Sure enough, May 2011 is the inaugural International Chick Lit Month.
I love chick lit, and I'm not ashamed to admit it, even though the genre gets a bum rap. I think,…
Goodbye, Larry Starkey (1942 – 2011)
When I first met Larry Starkey, he scared the bejeezus out of me.
It was the fall of 2003, and I'd just started teaching a writing course for first-semester students at Massachusetts School of Law.
I was greener than green; it was the second…
Introducing My Debut Novel
I'm excited to announce the launch of my debut novel, Forgotten April.
It's available on Nook and Kindle. Use Kindle and Nook apps for iPads. And if you have another e-reader, like Sony, you can buy the ePub here and side load it to your device.
Photo Shoot!
A friend/fan/colleague of mine named Gretje Ferguson approached me a bunch of weeks ago about taking my photo for an author series she's putting together.
First, I was flattered that she thought of me. How nice of her! Second, I was honored…
National Poetry Month & Cowboy Poetry Week 2011
I'd be remiss if I didn't do a shout-out to all the poets out there. Happy National Poetry Month.
And did you know this week is also Cowboy Poetry Week? Stick around, kids. You'll learn lots of useful gems like this from me. 😉
Marketing a Book
The title sounds a little presumptuous, doesn't it? As if I'm some sort of big-bad publicity machine from a Big 6 publishing house.
I'm not, as you know. But I am a marketing copywriter by day, so marketing is something I live and breathe anyway.
Book Descriptions
As my regular readers probably know, I'm a marketing copywriter by day. Writing punchy, pithy copy is my THING. Except, apparently, when it's for myself.
In this post, I talked about my struggles with book titles. Finally past that hurdle,…
Gratitude & Shout Outs
I'd be remiss if I didn't mention all the wonderful, talented people who are helping to bring my little book to life. I highly recommend these folks. Here they are, in no particular order:
1106 Design: I've mentioned them before, but they did…
Crutch Words & Phrases
In no particular order, here are some of my crutch words and phrases:
And with that
Studied/Peered (my crutches for "look")
Snort (less so now, but it was a bugger in some earlier work)
Starting sentences…