Author Archive for: Robyn

Entries by Robyn Bradley


Theme Song for My Main Character

Lately, I’ve been in the weeds, feverishly working on the draft of my next book. It’s messy — very, very messy — and I’m not entirely sure I’ll be sticking with it. But! A song has emerged, the video for which I’ve been watching over and over. I take this as a positive sign…this happened […]

Facebook Timeline for Authors – Part 2

Many of you know that I’m a marketing copywriter by day. I actually do a lot more than just writing — I help clients with strategy and program execution. And I also help with social media, specifically Facebook. I’m an admitted FB junkie, and I had a ton of fun sprucing up my author Facebook […]

Facebook Timeline for Authors – Part 1

As many of my regular blog readers know, I’m a Facebook junkie. I spend waaay too much time on the social medium, but it’s fun, and I love engaging with readers, friends, and family alike. In the past, I’ve always resisted Facebook’s changes, but I’m really loving Timeline for brand pages (I’ve done nothing with […]

Blogs I Read Religiously

I’m an old-school blog reader, meaning I subscribe to blogs via email (I’ve never taken to RSS readers, although if I had an iPad, methinks my blog-reading methods would change). Note to bloggers: add email subscriptions to your blogs. There are blogs I’d love to read regularly and that I promise myself I will, but […]


Love is in the Air…But Not on My Page

I’ve had some readers who wanted more heat in both Forgotten April and What Happened in Granite Creek. I prefer — as a reader — the less-is-more approach, since I have an extremely vivid imagination. As a writer, I find it challenging to write sex scenes well, which is one of the reasons I haven’t […]

All Things Granite Creek

I dedicated last fall to posts around What Happened in Granite Creek. I’m creating a one-post repository here for fans. Pick and choose what you want to read. I’m noting which posts contain spoilers. And I just realized this is an appropriate post for Groundhog Day. 🙂 From Short Story to Novel Devoteeism – How […]

Where I Get My Ideas From

I get this question a lot from readers and fellow writers. For me, ideas are everywhere: websites like Post Secret. Snippets of overheard conversations. Weird stories on the news. “What if” questions. Real-life situations, like the other day, a woman from my building came running up to me in the parking lot with her three […]

Interview/Guest Post Roundup

I was creating a list of places I “appeared” last year and then figured I should share some of the highlights here. Highlights from 2011: On Being a “Real” Writer – Guest Post on Tahereh Mafi’s blog How It Took Me 10 Years & 7 Versions to Get Forgotten April Right Stories That Made Me […]

Dear Writerly Dream: RIP

I recently emerged from a textbook case of the five stages of grief. I’d been grieving my dream of writing fiction full time by the end of 2011, a goal I had set for myself in the late fall of 2010. I can honestly say I gave this dream my all. One hundred and fifty […]